Pretty crazy goings on all along the Eastern seaboard. Hurricane Sandy is unleashing her fury on New York and New Jersey states as we speak, with Atlantic City the hardest hit so far. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has evacuated 400,000 people from Lower Manhattan, and other major cities, including Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, and Baltimore will be hit by the weather system dubbed "Frankenstorm."

Since this one currently applies to about 60-70 million, give or take a dozen, here's some genuine hurricane survival necessities for your kit:
- At least a 3-day and preferably a 7-day supply of water (one gallon per person per day)
- Non-perishable food
- Formula, diapers, and other baby supplies
- Manual can opener
- First aid kit
- Prescription and non-prescription medicines
- Toiletries
- Cell phones and battery-powered cell phone chargers
- Battery-powered radios and flashlights
- Plenty of batteries
- Extra cash
- Blankets, sleeping bags, books, and games

[NOTE: This may seem a little uneven now since the first half was written before the storm and the second half after. Toronto was hit pretty minimally, with power outages, a tree down here, a streetcar delayed there but compared to our friends down in NYC/NJ/Mass/DC we got basically nothing, so just hopefully everyone from Haiti, to the Carolinas all the way up to Quebec City are alright. It is still good to be prepared for any kind of natural or undead crisis. In fact, according to this video, if Mitt Romney is elected then a zombie apocalypse could be inevitable]

Some people take the end of the world a little more seriously, going fully McGyver with their kits. US Special Army Forces Cpt. 'Mykel Hawke' has pieced together a killer survival kit, Gary Busey style! Here's his killer list of stuff:
- Small Compass: General direction type
- Emergency Space Blanket: Lightweight, pocket type
- Emergency Poncho: Lightweight, pocket type
- Signal Whistle: Any type will do
- Wire Saw: BCB International
- Signal Mirror: One or three piece type
- Pocket Knife: Folding type w serrated blade
- LED Flashlight: Extra batteries attached to it with tape
- Orange Duct Tape: 30 inches, used for marking trails, first aid bandage
- Magnesium & Flint Fire Starter: Remove the metal striker & use the knife to strike the flint side to start your fires
- Orange Plastic Shelter: This is a 7x2.5 foot trash bag used for leaves that can be cut up and used to make a shelter, rain poncho or for signalling
- Paracord Inner Strands: Minimum 100 ft, use as fishing line, tie down, putting up shelters, snares, traps
- July 4th Roman Candle: Modified, cut down & sealed in wax to keep it waterproof along with 3 "strike anywhere" matches
- Condoms & Purification Tablets: 2 x condoms & 8 x water purification tablets (why are the condoms and tablets listed together?)
- Thick Rubber Bands: When attached together they can be used to make an improvised weapon such as a sling shot, spear gun or cross bow
- Orange Toy Punching Balloon: Can be used when blown up as a signalling device and as an improvise flotation device
- Snare Kit: 12 feet of wire along with 5 mini split rings and/or swivels for making animal traps & snares
- Fishing Kit: 20 feet of fishing line and 6 assorted hooks, swivels, and 5 screw eyelets for making an improvised fishing pole of setting up a trout line
- Cement Nails: Assorted sizes, used to making fishing and hunting spears, arrow heads
- Band Aids: Guess what for?
- Pencil Sharpener: Use it to make "paper thin" tinder sheets for starting fires
- Trick Birthday Candle: Once lit, won't blow out so it's great for starting fires when it's windy
- Wet Ones: For cleaning cut, injuries and can be used for igniting fires as well
You can check out the Cpt. Hawke's (sounds made up) survival website HERE. Pretty intense and paranoid stuff.

- Shotgun; 300-600 rounds of ammo. Because you never know
- Good comfy backpack: You'll need a lot of storage for your gear
- Sleeping Bag: You will have to sleep sooner or later
- Ear Plugs: To drown out the moaning of the undead
- Red Glow Sticks: Good light source
- Hatchet or Machete: Both make great close quarters weapons & both are excellent survival tools
- Folding Shovel: Another good close quarters weapon & for digging latrines
- Local Map: Preferably a state or provincial map with roads/backroads and bodies of water
- Compass: To work with your map and help you navigate
- Self Powered Flashlight & Radio: You need to see & keep up with current events
- Rope: You'll need a lot, say a few hundred feet and make sure it's of good quality
- 8'x10' Tarp: Makes a good, quick tent
- First Aid Kit: Make sure its not a cheap one & put it in a waterproof bag that gauze won't do any good wet
- 12 Big Thick Garbage Bags: Good for everything from waterproofing your pack to making a poncho, to making a shower
- 2 Rolls of Paper Towels: Good for toilet paper & snot rags
- 2 or 3 Set of Space Clothing: Obvious reasons
- Deck of Cards & a Novel: You will get bored
- 2 Pocket Knives: The uses are endless
- Multitool: Again, they can do anything from opening cans to cutting wire
- Credit Card: Who know when you'll need plastic. And it can jimmy locks
- 4 Burlap Sacks: If you'd like to make a quick foxhole/barricade
- Waterproof Matches/Flint/Steel: You'll need fire
And I don't think any survival kit list would be complete without something from the Survivorman himself Les Stround. This actually isn't a kit of his, but a compiled list of all that handy little gadgets that were featured throughout his shows run. Take a look of Les' best gadgets HERE.
That's pretty much all I have on the survival front. Semi-informative. Semi-stupid. It happens. Anyways, again, hope everyone is coping ok down in the US and the Caribbean, and don't worry, NYC will have 'I Survived Frankenstorm 2012' shirts on the streets in no time... Be safe!
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