Halloween is tomorrow. Different origin stories are floating around online but our version of Halloween is more than likely based on the Celtic festival Samhain. Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the darker half of that year. It was brought to North America in the 19th century by Irish and Scottish immigrants where it was confined to their communities and by the first decade of the 20th century it was celebrated by people of all types from coast to coast. We also didn't adopt the turnip as our jack-o-lantern of choice, but the pumpkin which was much easier to crave, you can make amazing pies with them and the seeds are delicious when baked for 10 minutes with some salt. And like any other holiday (is that what it is) there is boatloads of Halloween themed TV shows. I only mention this since the new South Park finds Randy Marsh buying the closed down Blockbuster Video store in hopes of reviving the rental business in South Park, while Stan, working at the store on Halloween, still goes trick or treating as Captain America via Facetime on his iPad with the rest of the gang. They need Captain America to complete their group of Avengers thus a sure win at the schools costume contest. Great parody of 'The Shining' and my favourite episode of the show in some time. Randy Marsh episodes are always key. You can stream the episode HERE from The Comedy Network.
Hurricane Sandy didn't stop to NYC funnymen from performing their late night duties without an audience, even pausing for laughs, despite (and similar to other nights) there are none. Jimmy Fallon and David both braved Sandy to deliver their monologues to an empty studio. Denzel Washington even showed up to Letteraman's set in a yellow rain coat quipping that he had swam there. "Only for you, Dave." Millions were without power, but the show must go on, and Fallon felt that maybe people needed some laughs after a long, wet day. "I'm assuming that people at home will be watching either on their laptops get their generators out… and they're going to want to leave room to laugh," Fallon said. Good job Jimmy, and David for still putting on a great show even though no one was there to watch it. True pros! Here's some footage:
Mickey Skywalker and Princess Minnie. That sounds horrible. George Lucas has potentially bastardized the Star Wars legacy even more after selling his company, Lucasfilm for a cash and stock deal valued at $4 billion. Disney now has control of the entire Star Wars franchise as well as the even bigger merchandising operation. Disney also scored a legendary special effects studio Industrial Light and Magic, and the Skywalker Sound audio production studio. "It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers. I've always believe that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime." He will act as creative consultant on the already planned Star Wars: Episode 7, the first of a planned new trilogy, with the first one coming out in 2015 if all goes well. "The film is in what I'll call early-stage development right now" said Disney CEO Bob Iger, but Lucas has mentioned for years the he has treatments for the seventh, eighth, and ninth instalments. And it'll be nice to get Mark Hamill some work. Here a staged 'candid' interview with George Lucas and the sale put up on the Star Wars website today:
In an upcoming TV interview with David Frost, ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney claims that Yoko Ono did not break up the Fab Four, eliminating the second biggest reason for people to dislike her. Her "music" is still the biggest reason. "She certainly didn't break the group up. I don't think you can blame her for anything," adding that Lennon was definitely going to leave. "When Yoko came along, part of her attraction was her avant garde side, her view of things. She showed him another way to be, which was very attractive to him. So it was time for John to leave." The interview will air in November. Here's there song "God" from the Plastic Ono Band (Lennon and Ono's group) first album, released in 1970. "I just believe…. in me… Yoko & me.." Great song, classic album. The only John & Yoko record that is pretty solid front to back.
Swedish darlings, the Refused are f*cking dead. Again. After pleasing punk and metal heads alike by announcing their reunion at Cochella then a full tour they have decided to call it quits again. This news break the same day Pennywise announces that former frontman Jim Lindberg is rejoining the band after they released an album mere months ago (that was better than anyone could have expected) with Ignite frontman Zoli Teglas. All is not lost though, since Hot Water Music has announced their first headlining tour in eight years over the winter, with a stop off at Toronto's Danforth Music Hall on January 29th.
Some upcoming Toronto shows:
Nov 01: Napalm Death, Municipal Waste @ Opera House
Nov 07: Dethklok, Machinehead, All That Remains, Black Dahlia Murder @ Sound Academy
Nov 08: Gallows @ Lee's Palace
Nov 13: Motion City Soundtrack @ Mod Club
Nov 14: Bob Dylan @ ACC
Nov 15: Trash Talk @ Annex Wreck Room
Nov 17: Dropkick Murphys, Teenage Bottle Rocket @ Hamilton Convention Centre
Nov 17: K.E.N. Mode @ Garrison Room
Nov 21: Henry Rollins @ Glenn Gould Studio
Nov 25: Motionless In White, Stick To Your Guns @ Mod Club
Dec 08: Conor Oberst @ Massey Hall
Dec 09: Job For a Cowboy @ Annex Wreck Room
Dec 12: Killswitch Engage @ Opera House
Dec 14: The Flatliners @ Opera House
Dec 15: Madball, Figure Four @ Annex Wreck Room
Dec 26-29: Alexisonfire @ Sound Academy
Dec 28: Rusty @ Horseshoe Tavern
Jan 29: Hot Water Music @ Danforth Music Hall
Rock & Roll!
Congrats to the San Francisco Giants on winning their second World Series title in three years. The Giants completed the sweep in the tenth inning of game four in Detroit to clinch the series. No one really expected this, but it has been a post season of unexpected moments, from the Athletics stunning run to the Tigers demolition of the hated Yankees. But the Giants really were the most remarkable team of the 2012 post-season. After having to real off three straight wins against the Cincinnati Reds in the divisional series, they were facing a 3-1 deficit against the Cardinals in the NLCS only to storm back and take the series in seven games. They truly showed that you need shut down pitching to win championships and they did just that with all four starters pitching terrific, and Barry Zito, left off the 2010 championship teams playoffs roster, was lights out all playoffs long. Who would have though they would have won the Series when their two time Cy Young Award winner Tim Lincecum was pitching out of the bullpen because of struggles with dropping too much weight in the offseason, came to camp much to small and proved ineffective finishing the campaign with a 10-15 record. He pitched well in the playoffs giving up 5 runs in 17+ innings of work and pitched 4.2 innings in relief against the Tigers in the World Series and surrendered just a walk. In fact, the Giants pitching held Detroit's potent offence to a horrible .159 batting average. Pablo "Panda" Sandoval was crowned World Series MVP on the heels of this 3 home run, 4 hit performance in game one. The Giants have a young team and could be on the verge of legacy status if the win one more series in the next season or two. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS 2010 & 2012 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS
And for those of you who like the nostalgia sorta thing (and if you were growing up in the 80-90s) here's a couple Saturday morning Halloween specials for you to check out, thanks to YouTube!:
Pretty crazy goings on all along the Eastern seaboard. Hurricane Sandy is unleashing her fury on New York and New Jersey states as we speak, with Atlantic City the hardest hit so far. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has evacuated 400,000 people from Lower Manhattan, and other major cities, including Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, and Baltimore will be hit by the weather system dubbed "Frankenstorm."
So, survival kits. Those people who ride the subway wearing surgical masks to prevent airborne diseases probably have the best survival kits. Not so crazy anymore! But after watching the Red Cross rep on CP24 (Toronto News channel) describe stuff you should have in the event of an emergency situation, I realized that I have very little of said items. Did I rush out and buy a water purification tablets and flares? Nope, but I did grab some bottled water, bottled wine, Smart Food, some pillar candles, a few lighters, batteries, apple and some extra batteries. And a deck of cards. The ideal survival kit is supposed to sustain a person for 72 hours, even though I would argue that the ideal survival kit would sustain a person for as long as they need. So, I suppose the trick is to always have these items on hand, so if any disaster should occur you are prepared. But is there different kinds of kits for different kinds of disasters? Probably. Well, yes. The items required for a nuclear disaster would differ than that from say, a World War II soldiers pack, so how are you supposed to be prepared for all situations at any given time? Well, you can't. But you can go through these survival kits below and whichever you think applies to you the most, run with it! Or make a greatest hits from all the kits (that rhymed) and be ready to take on anything that comes your way:
Since this one currently applies to about 60-70 million, give or take a dozen, here's some genuine hurricane survival necessities for your kit:
At least a 3-day and preferably a 7-day supply of water (one gallon per person per day)
Non-perishable food
Formula, diapers, and other baby supplies
Manual can opener
First aid kit
Prescription and non-prescription medicines
Cell phones and battery-powered cell phone chargers
Battery-powered radios and flashlights
Plenty of batteries
Extra cash
Blankets, sleeping bags, books, and games
First thing… on this kit and all the ones below you need to have food and water. That's a given and if you need to be told that you need food or water to survive I don't think you'll make it through any of these disasters anyways. Alright, so the main thing with a nuclear incident would be shelter since radioactive fallout can be a cold hearted shrew. Fortunately, the time line for a nuclear strike would be similar to the 72 hours in a hurricane situation (but if you can stay in an extra day or two do it) since the radioactive fallout dusts loses its intensity quickly since it emits so much energy. As a result, after 72 hours the dust is only 1/100 as strong or deadly, however you want to look at it. So bring some Yahtzee (and some food and water. Last reminder) and spend some quality time while you wait for the radiation dust to lose power by the minute!
[NOTE: This may seem a little uneven now since the first half was written before the storm and the second half after. Toronto was hit pretty minimally, with power outages, a tree down here, a streetcar delayed there but compared to our friends down in NYC/NJ/Mass/DC we got basically nothing, so just hopefully everyone from Haiti, to the Carolinas all the way up to Quebec City are alright. It is still good to be prepared for any kind of natural or undead crisis. In fact, according to this video, if Mitt Romney is elected then a zombie apocalypse could be inevitable]
Since the Mayan calendar is coming to an end and December 21 is the last day on earth, a company in Mexico has come up with an end of the world survival kit called "Just In Case." Those cheeky bastards. The kit includes chocolate abuelita, which is dark chocolate lace in cinnamon covered in sugar. Apparently it will make you feel well under any circumstance. Hope they have done their research of potential circumstances. A yellow notebook to track your post-apocalyptic adventure or for those balmy winter evening it can also be used to start a fire. A simple knife is included which is a clean blade knife, with no serrated edges whatsoever. It doesn't seem quite as functional as the Swiss Army blade which has a knife, a nail file, a fork, a spoon, a corkscrew (the wine will still be good right?) and a magnifying glass to burn insects with. There is a pack of black matches to light a fire in style. While the colour of the match pointed out, it failed to indicate whether they are water proof at all. Onto the liquid. There is one litre of basic water that if rationed properly can keep you going up to ten days. When that runs out and there is no hope they were kind enough to include a Mayan Liquer called Xtabentun D'Aristi to tie one last one on. The packaging is sleek, and it actually does look quite fashionable. Unfortunately, I don't think you'd survive too long with this thing other than the warm syrupy Mayan liqueur.
Some people take the end of the world a little more seriously, going fully McGyver with their kits. US Special Army Forces Cpt. 'Mykel Hawke' has pieced together a killer survival kit, Gary Busey style! Here's his killer list of stuff:
Small Compass: General direction type
Emergency Space Blanket: Lightweight, pocket type
Emergency Poncho: Lightweight, pocket type
Signal Whistle: Any type will do
Wire Saw: BCB International
Signal Mirror: One or three piece type
Pocket Knife: Folding type w serrated blade
LED Flashlight: Extra batteries attached to it with tape
Orange Duct Tape: 30 inches, used for marking trails, first aid bandage
Magnesium & Flint Fire Starter: Remove the metal striker & use the knife to strike the flint side to start your fires
Orange Plastic Shelter: This is a 7x2.5 foot trash bag used for leaves that can be cut up and used to make a shelter, rain poncho or for signalling
Paracord Inner Strands: Minimum 100 ft, use as fishing line, tie down, putting up shelters, snares, traps
July 4th Roman Candle: Modified, cut down & sealed in wax to keep it waterproof along with 3 "strike anywhere" matches
Condoms & Purification Tablets: 2 x condoms & 8 x water purification tablets (why are the condoms and tablets listed together?)
Thick Rubber Bands: When attached together they can be used to make an improvised weapon such as a sling shot, spear gun or cross bow
Orange Toy Punching Balloon: Can be used when blown up as a signalling device and as an improvise flotation device
Snare Kit: 12 feet of wire along with 5 mini split rings and/or swivels for making animal traps & snares
Fishing Kit: 20 feet of fishing line and 6 assorted hooks, swivels, and 5 screw eyelets for making an improvised fishing pole of setting up a trout line
Cement Nails: Assorted sizes, used to making fishing and hunting spears, arrow heads
Band Aids: Guess what for?
Pencil Sharpener: Use it to make "paper thin" tinder sheets for starting fires
Trick Birthday Candle: Once lit, won't blow out so it's great for starting fires when it's windy
Wet Ones: For cleaning cut, injuries and can be used for igniting fires as well
You can check out the Cpt. Hawke's (sounds made up) survival website HERE. Pretty intense and paranoid stuff.
I'm actually to the point where I can't tell if people genuinely believe that there will be a zombie apocalypse or just some macabre fantasy taken too far. It started off simple enough, zombies appeared in George Romero's 'Dead' trilogy, the Evil Dead trilogy follow. No one really seemed to care much about at all until the remakes of Romero films came out. Then the zombie walk… followed by Pride & Prejudice & Zombies/World War Z and graphic novels. Zombies are everywhere, and despite the fact that I'm pretty sick of them, in case it does happen here are some key items. There's tons of websites out there devoted to inciting the zombie apocalypse, and even more survival kits to survive it. And, don't really buy a shotgun. I'm 99% sure there will be no zombies but if you are worried about that sort of thing here you go; from the folks over at the instructables.com:
Shotgun; 300-600 rounds of ammo. Because you never know
Good comfy backpack: You'll need a lot of storage for your gear
Sleeping Bag: You will have to sleep sooner or later
Ear Plugs: To drown out the moaning of the undead
Red Glow Sticks: Good light source
Hatchet or Machete: Both make great close quarters weapons & both are excellent survival tools
Folding Shovel: Another good close quarters weapon & for digging latrines
Local Map: Preferably a state or provincial map with roads/backroads and bodies of water
Compass: To work with your map and help you navigate
Self Powered Flashlight & Radio: You need to see & keep up with current events
Rope: You'll need a lot, say a few hundred feet and make sure it's of good quality
8'x10' Tarp: Makes a good, quick tent
First Aid Kit: Make sure its not a cheap one & put it in a waterproof bag that gauze won't do any good wet
12 Big Thick Garbage Bags: Good for everything from waterproofing your pack to making a poncho, to making a shower
2 Rolls of Paper Towels: Good for toilet paper & snot rags
2 or 3 Set of Space Clothing: Obvious reasons
Deck of Cards & a Novel: You will get bored
2 Pocket Knives: The uses are endless
Multitool: Again, they can do anything from opening cans to cutting wire
Credit Card: Who know when you'll need plastic. And it can jimmy locks
4 Burlap Sacks: If you'd like to make a quick foxhole/barricade
Waterproof Matches/Flint/Steel: You'll need fire
And I don't think any survival kit list would be complete without something from the Survivorman himself Les Stround. This actually isn't a kit of his, but a compiled list of all that handy little gadgets that were featured throughout his shows run. Take a look of Les' best gadgets HERE.
That's pretty much all I have on the survival front. Semi-informative. Semi-stupid. It happens. Anyways, again, hope everyone is coping ok down in the US and the Caribbean, and don't worry, NYC will have 'I Survived Frankenstorm 2012' shirts on the streets in no time... Be safe!
World Series 2012 starts tomorrow night at AT&T Field in San Francisco, California. The Giants missed the playoffs last year after winning the World Series in 2010, the club's first since moving from Manhattan in 1958. Historically, the club is one of the most decorated in all of baseball. The team has won 22 National League pennants and appeared in 19 World Series, while sending more players to the Hall Of Fame than any other team. They also boast five World Series championships, tying them with the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers for second in the National League behind the St. Louis Cardinals, who were just dispatched from this years playoffs by these very Giants. Great players have came and went, from player-manager John McGraw, superstar Willie Mays to Hall of Fame knuckleballer Hoyt Wilhelm. Then it happened. The end of the golden age of New York baseball, and New York was a one team town until 1962 when the Mets came in as an expansion franchise. Team owners were originally looking at moving to Bloomington, Minnesota, home of their farm team, but in favour of maintaining the rivalry with the Dodgers who were in the middle of negotiations at the same time to move to Los Angeles, the Giants announced they were relocating to the Bay Area.
Things looked good early on in San Fran, with Orlando Cepeda and Willie McCovey winning back to back Rookie of the Year honours, a new field, Candlestick Park, opening up after two years playing in the home of the San Francisco Seals (a Red Sox PCL affiliate) and appearing in the 1962 World Series. It was after a great pennant race with the hated Dodgers, then they faced off against a familiar foe: the New York Yankees. The Yankees triumphed in seven games over their former neighbours and that would be that last time the Giants reached the World Series until 1989. The earthquake series. The 89 Giants had a powerful offence with the likes of Will Clark, Kevin Mitchell and Matt Williams but they had a patchwork pitching staff, using 15 different starters throughout the season. Manager Roger Craig led the team to their second World Series appearance since moving to California after dispatching the Chicago Cubs in the NLCS in five games. With their Bay Area rival Oakland A's taking the first two games in Oakland, the scene shifted to San Francisco. Then during the pre-game warmups, about a half hour before first pitch there was a major earthquake in the San Francisco area, making it the first major earthquake ever broadcast on television due to the telecast already on live for game 3. Houses were destroyed, highways and bridges collapsed and it took ten days for the World Series to continue, where the A's completed the sweep of the Giants. Here's the clip of the game 3 earthquake telecast:
They played another Cali rival their next World Series in 2002, the Anaheim Angels. This time the Giants beat the Mets in the LCS before ultimately falling to the Angels in 7 games. The Giants outscored the Angels in total runs over the series because of huge offensive numbers by Barry Bonds and Jeff Kent. Enter the 2010 team. A young pitching staff with some great veterans manning the positions. The staff was anchored by 2 time Cy Young award winner Tim Lincecum, Matt Cain, Madison Bumgarner, and Jonathan Sanchez (all but Sanchez remain with the team for this years run). Edgar Renteria, Cody Ross and Bengie Molina took care of enough offence for San Francisco to trump the Texas Rangers in five games for their first championship in San Francisco. The 2012 edition of the team boasts 12 (13 if you count the injured closer Brian Wilson) holdovers from the 2010 championship team, and should have enough pitching to defeat the Tigers in 7 games (although chalk up at least 2 wins for Detroit when Verlander is on the hill). GO GIANTS!
Their American League counterpart Detroit Tigers had an easier road to the Series after sweeping the New York Yankees in their League Champioship Series. The Tigers have won the World Series 4 times, the most recently being in 1984. The Detroit Tigers were a charter member of the AL and along with the Red Sox, White Sox, and Indians they still are in their original city. The Tigers found success early on during the early 1900s with the fearless (and mean) Ty Cobb leading the Tigers to the World Series three straight seasons from 1907-1909. The Tigers ultimately lost all three series, two to the Cubs and one to the Pirates. The team played well through the remainder of Cobb's run as player and later as manager, including a 100 win second place campaign in 1915 to the 101 win Red Sox but a World Series championship still escaped them. After losing the 1934 Series to the Cardinals, the Tigers finally won it all in 1935 with a lineup that featured four future Hall Of Famers. They were world champions once again ten years later, 1945, when a World War II depleted lineup beat the Cubs (the last time they were in the World Series) in seven games. The Tigers suffered through many subpar years, then a heart breaking one game second place finish behind Boston again in 1967 before being crowned champs again in 1968.
Then their last championship, the 'Roar Of 84' came about after destroying the competition in the AL East, finishing a remarkable 15 games ahead of the second place Toronto Blue Jays. The Tigers steam rolled over the Kansas City Royals in 3 games to advance to the World Series against the San Diego Padres, marking their franchises first appearance in the big dance. Tigers starter Jack Morris threw two complete games in games 1 and 4, and Alan Trammell and Krik Gibson each had two home run games to lead the charge in Detroits five game Series victory. Game 5 was the last World Series game played at that old nightmare Tiger Stadium and the Tigers last appearance in the Series until 2006 where the St. Louis Cardinals beat the Tigers 4 games to 1.
The acquisition of Prince Fielder in the offseason made a team that already had reigning Cy Young Award Winner/MVP Justin Verlander and Triple Crown Winner Miguel Cabrera made them World Series contenders since Opening Day. They started off slow, with the White Sox leading the AL Central for most of the season, before playing hard down the stretch (coupled with a White Sox collapse) to win the Central by 3 games. The faced a tough Oakland team before dismantling the New York Yankees in the LCS. They will be facing the best pitching they have seen in the playoffs. This is the first time the Tigers and Giants have met in the playoffs, despite their lengthy baseball lineage, and I think we are in for a terrific Series!
GAME 5: OCT 29, 8 PM @ DETROIT (if necessary)
GAME 6: OCT 31, 8 PM @ SAN FRANCISCO (if necessary)
GAME 7: NOV 01, 8 PM @ SAN FRANCISCO (if necessary)
Tonight is the third and final debate leading up to the November election between incumbent Barack and challenger Mitt Romney is what has already been dubbed "Get It On In Boca Raton," named after a popular local slogan. Obama was much better prepared for the second town hall style debate after being shown up pretty bad at the first one. The third one they will be sitting at a table with moderator Bob Schieffer (CBS News) acting as referee. The key issues will be on foreign policy (in particular current situation in Libya and Iran) with most experts saying Barack to have an edge on the issue since incumbents have access to more privileged intelligence and get more comp trips than senators. If you can peel yourself away from the Bears and Lions Monday Nighter game then take in a minute or two of the debate. Or switch over to the Giants and Cardinals game.
If you use AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner or Verizon as your internet provider and you enjoy downloading episode of Seinfeld via Bit Torrent, you could be getting a threatening letter. That's right.. after years of trying to impose legislature against illegal downloads, they have taken their first step. First time offenders get a mild warning which also includes information to steer the guilty party away from a life of crime (what? really?). After the 'educational' phase of the warnings, if material is still downloaded illegally then they slow (throttle) your internet connection down so you can't download large files. Terminating the internet service to a customer does still appear unlikely however since copyright infringement is alright so long as you don't miss paying the bill by two days (in which case it will be promptly cancelled.)
I had to make sure that I finished the entire series of Peep Show (seven seasons) before November 9th since, hallelujah, there is going to be a new season debuting on that very day. The show is basically a take on old Odd Couple premise with David Mitchell's Mark Corrigan playing Jack Lemmon's Felix, and Robert Webb's Jez (Jeremy) playing Walter Matthau's Oscar. Throw in the best bits of the British version of The Office (after all Mark works in a similar work place, JLB Credit), and constant interior thoughts of the two main characters and you have absolute comedy gold. From pee dripping through floorboards at a wedding, to eating a semi-charred dog or even helping a bandmate score some crack this is definitely one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. Again, season 8 starts November 9!
Say it ain't so Lance! I have tried to years to always take him at his word. He seemed honest enough, and you always seem to have sympathy for a man with one testicle. It appears the evidence is stacked too highly against him, and in the wake of him stepping down from his own charity, being stripped of his Tour De France titles and losing his endorsements, his credibility seems to have been blown to hell. Too bad, he was a real source of inspiration for, well for people looking for that sort of thing in a cyclist. "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling and he deserves to be forgotten in cycling," said Pat McQuaid, the president of the Union Cycliste Internationale. Remember Lance's scene in the movie Dodgeball? It was great.
The Red Sox have gotten their man, finally. After their worst record since the 60s, Boston axed skipper Bobby Valentine after one nightmarish season. John Farrell had been Boston pitching coach prior to being named as Blue Jays manager before the 2011 season. Boston had tried to hire him before this season but the Blue Jays were reluctant to let him go to a divisional rival. But after the Jays had a season almost as bad as the Red Sox (and with just one year left on Farrell's contract) Jays GM Alex Anthopolous was more open to the lateral divisional more and picked up Mike Aviles from Boston as compensation. Farrell pitched for the Indians, Angels, and Tigers over his seven year career cut short by injury. Welcome back to Boston, John!
The American League champion Detroit Tigers are waiting to see whether they are headed to St. Louis or San Francisco for the start of the World Series on Wednesday night. Game 7 of the NLCS between the Giants and Cardinals goes tonight in San Francisco to see who gets to represent the National League in a face-off again the powerful Tigers. Pitching for the Giants tonight is ace Matt Cain facing off against St. Louis Cardinals' right-hander Kyle Lohse who, over 18 innings has given up four runs of a tidy ERA of 1.96 while Cain's number show he's been roughed up a bit more to the tune of 9 earned runs allowed over 17 innings. First pitch is tonight at 8:07 at AT&T Park. In a semi-related note: Remember the season Melky Cabrera was having for the Giants? He was leading the league in batting average and was the All Star Game MVP then he got a 50 game suspension by the MLB, and despite eligibility to be reinstated, he was left off the Giants playoff roster. The interesting part is that his heroics in the All Star Game guaranteed home field advantage for the National League champions, possibly the Giants. So he's even helping them while not being in the line-up. That's a dynamic player. Just saying..
There's no hockey on. We know that. One year ago tonight, was a night the Leafs played the Canadiens in Montreal and Toronto won 5-4 on a gorgeous goal by Grabovski in overtime. Other Leaf scorers were David Steckel, Phil Kessel, Dion Phaneuf and Nik Kulemin. Anyways, here is some highlights from the game for a mild hockey fix.