The Barack Obama and Mitt Romney presidential race is almost too close to call, with 49% of pollers would vote for Obama if the election was today while Romney drew 46% of the vote. The major sticking point among voters seems to be the economy, where one in five pollers said that neither could help the economy, while others we sure that it would bounce back regardless of who gets elected in office. CNN's Polling Director Keating Holland conducted an online poll asking which candidate better understands how the economy works, and they were tied at 45% a piece. Even though it is a close race, Obama's supporters are much more enthusiastic about their candidate. More than six out of ten of Obama's supporters say the strongly support him, while only 47% of Romney's supporters were super supportive. In recent weeks, Obama has been attacking Romney's past a the head of some private equity firms, but the president (actually the president's official Twitter account person - that's probably an actual job now) tweeted regarding Mitt's iPhone ap that misspelled the word America. "Sorry about the shaking California, that was just the rest of America laughing at Mitt Romney running for Pres of #Amercia." There's a screenshot below, but when you see a man who's running for president misspelling the country he's running for on his iPhone ap, doesn't give me a lot of confidence in him (against, a staffer screwed this up, but unfortunately for Mitt, it represents hit).. So anyways, would you rather live in AMERICA or AMERCIA?
Richard Dawson, host of Family Feud has passed away at he age of 79. He hosted the show from it's inception in 1976 until 1985 and then again in the 1994-95 TV season. Mr Dawson was know for kissing female contestants and his witty banter with all contestants. He was born in Gosport, Hampshire, England as Colin Lionel Emm in November 1932. By the 1960s, he was appearing on the Steve Allen and Dick Van Dyke Show regularly, as well as Cpl Peter Newkirk on the CBS show "Hogan's Heroes." The lasted for six seasons. Dawson made regular appearances on the Match Game, and his first game show was called Masquerade Party. He was hired to do Feud in 1976 and it became both the number one daytime show and the number one syndicated television show, and Dawson was the highest paid game show host of his time. Also, he was the game show host in that Arnold Schwarzenegger futuristic game show movie "The Running Man"
Kristin Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, Andy Samberg
Well, as speculated, Andy Samberg has confirmed he will be leaving Saturday Night Live after a seven year run. Samberg, and Kristen Wiig, who announced she was leaving a while back and had a tearful final episode on the shows season finale, will not be the only departing cast members when the versatile, hilarious Jason Sudeikis announces he's leaving. All three joined the cast in the 2005-06 season, and between them provided the best moments of the show over that era.
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