So it's been one month to the day since I shared the address of this blog, put it in searches and google etc, and it has cracked the 1000 views, currently sitting at 1011! I know it's not staggering numbers but for a first timer the response has been great! Obviously most of my friends and family are from Canada but the readership grew from just Canadians to Americans, Russians, Germans, the Brits and a couple folks from down in Ecuador. I'm not really qualified to report on anything, it's basically just opinions on current news of the day or just other random stuff that is mildly interesting or funny. I started it just because I'm currently in the writing program at Second City Toronto for the last five months and I wanted to get into the groove of writing on a regular basis covering current topics hopefully making it funny or at least interesting to someone who may not care about the news regularily. So whether you stumbled upon it by accident, are a facebook friend, a real life friend (or both!) or trying to kill time at work thanks for taking a look!

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